Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hello all, reporting from India this is Gavin Grisham. Yesterday we had the chance to sit and listen to a very special man by the name of Krishna. A theoretical physicist, musician, and teacher, he is a man of many talents. Krishna embodies the well rounded western thinker while also being well versed in eastern thinking, religion, philosophy and life. This wide range of knowledge allows Krishna to present different view points, ideas, and arguments to commonly and uncommonly discussed issues. In the short hour we had with Krishna he spoke about the connections between religion, the environment, and ecology.
Krishna began with a short history lesson on how humans had reached the modernized world of today. Before western ideals and Christianity all humans war shipped mother nature in some sense. Krishna quoted saying, "When you step out of your house, you step into your temple." This shows how sacred above all else mother nature was to man pre Christianity. Krishna spoke of the bible and its message that man was created in the image of God and that man had dominion over all things on earth. This was the point when man first saw himself as above nature, starting the process that has created our world today. We see ourselves as quite sophisticated today, yet Indian villagers who have lived on the same land for thousands of years have existed without degrading their environment. Why can we not live in a similar fashion was Krishna's big question. Seeing spirituality and the environment as one, Krishna talked of a future when man reverts to his roots and sees himself as part of mother nature, not above it. This, he feels, will be the only way to combat the destructive lives we live and give generations to come a planet on which to flourish.
My description is brief and lacking, but I hope that I brought across some of the point that he made. He discussed an issue with a view not heard by any of us previously, quite and eyeopening and capturing experience for all.
Hope all is well back home, India is indescribably amazing and so very different than anything I have experienced. Thanks for the opportunity to be here Mom and Dad!
Gavin out.


  1. Thanks for the description and details, Gavin. It's nice to know what you guys are up to and how things are going. It sounds like you enjoyed talking with Krishna.

    - Pete

  2. Gavin, thanks for the interesting update. You guys are getting so much to think about. Tell Sam we say hello.

    Ruth & Todd (Sam's parents)
